Pathways To Peace, Inc

Arts In Healing
Arts In Healing is an experiential, hands on program incorporating the concept of arts in health. The program integrates dance, movement, art, and music as a powerful way to navigate emotions and challenging events.
Arts In Healing helps promote holistic wellness and can be a motivating factor in one's recovery from physical or mental illness.

Attendees must be screened in advance by contacting Pathways to Peace, Inc. at 407-867-1368

Arts In Healing is a 4 week program
Each session lasts 2 hours and will include:
a choreographed dance/movement activity paired with a mental health theme
An art expression project paired with music and a mental health theme

Creators: Maria Nemec and Rachelle Alford

Maria Nemec is a licensed clinical social worker and certified eating disorders specialist. She has over 30 years of experience as a psychotherapist. Maria is a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Social Work and has held many positions in both the mental health and medical fields. Her work includes specialized treatment for eating disorders, general mental health counseling, emergency psychiatric care, and working with cancer patients.

Rachelle Alford is an arts ambassador, dance instructor, educator, and founder of the Ashes into Artistry Ministry. As a former emergency room nurse, Rachelle was forced into early retirement due to contracting a rare balance disorder. Rachelle turned to her dance roots as a source of rehabilitation and found healing for her body and mind through movement and art. Rachelle's years of performing and teaching dance, her talents with artistic expression, and her lived experience have inspired her to use the arts to help others.